EXPLODE command

The EXPLODE command is used to explode compound object into components.

Command Access:

Menu : Modify > Explode
Command : EXPLODE

Command Prompts:

Select object:

Function Description:

The block, polyline and region could be exploded. Users could explode them into components and then edit them.
The color, line type and line weight of the exploded object could also be changed. Other properties will be different according to exploded object types.
Users could use the XPLODE command to change properties of compound object that to be exploded.

Relative Glossary:

2D Polyline:
Explode into line and arc segments. The associated information about line weight or tangent will be lost.

autocad explode command

3D polyline:
Explode into lines. The specified linetype will be applied on each line.
3D solid:
Explode planar faces into regions. Non-planar faces explode into surfaces.

autocad explode command 3d solid

Annotation object:
Explode the current scale representation into its component representations that are no longer annotative. Other scale representations are deleted.
Explode into elliptical arcs if containing a non-uniformly scaled block.
Remove one set of objects at one time. If a block contains a polyline or a nested block, exploding the block, users could get a polyline or a nested block, and then users could explode the nested block to get all other objects.
Blocks with uniformly scaled in X, Y and Z coordinates will be exploded into their component objects. Non-uniformly scaled blocks might explode into unexpected objects.
If the non-uniformly scaled blocks contain objects that could not be exploded, they will be collected to an anonymous block (named with a "*E" prefix) and referenced with non-uniformly scaling. If all objects in the block could not be exploded, the selected block reference will not be exploded. Objects as body, 3d solid and region with non-uniformly scale could not be exploded.
To explode a block with attributes, the block attributes will be removed. Users should define its attributes again.
The block created by the MINSERT command or inserted by internal reference and its accessory block could not be exploded.
Explode into a single-surface body (non-planar surfaces), regions, or curves.
Explode into ellipses if containing a non-uniformly scaled block.
Depending on the leader, the leader could be exploded into lines, splines, solids (arrow heads), block insertions (arrow heads, annotation blocks), multiline text, or tolerance objects.
Multiline Text:
Explode into text objects

autocad explode command multiline text

Explode into lines and arcs.
Polyface Mesh:
One-vertex meshes could be exploded into a point object. Two-vertex meshes could be exploded into a line. Three-vertex meshes could be exploded into a 3D face.
Explode into lines, arcs, or splines.


Article ID: 2117
Created: August 12, 2021
Last Updated: August 12, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.kb2.gstarcad.com.my/article.php?id=2117