EDGESURF command

The EDGESURF command used to create a three-dimensional polygon mesh.

Command Access:

Menu : Draw > Modeling > Meshes > Edge Mesh

Command entry : EDGESURF

Command Prompts:

Select the first of four connected entities for edge surface:

You must select the four adjoining edges that define the mesh patch. The edges can be lines, arcs, splines, or open 2D or 3D polylines. The edges must touch at their endpoints to form a topologically rectangular closed path.

You can select the four edges in any order. The first edge determines the M direction of the generated mesh, which extends from the endpoint closest to the selection point to the other end. The two edges that touch the first edge form the N edges of the mesh.


Article ID: 2112
Created: August 12, 2021
Last Updated: August 12, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.kb2.gstarcad.com.my/article.php?id=2112