3DFACE command

The 3DFACE command is used to create three-sided face meshes or four-sided face meshes in three-dimension space.

Command Access:

Ribbon : 3D >Mesh>3D Face
Menu : Draw > Modeling > Meshes > 3D Face
Command : 3DFACE

Command Prompts:

Specify first point or [Invisible]:
Specify second point or [Invisible]:
Specify third point or [Invisible] < exit>:
Specify fourth point or [Invisible] <create three-sided face>:

Relative Glossary:

First point:
Define the start point of 3D face. After specified the first point, users could specify other points by clockwise or anticlockwise direction to create a common 3D face. If the specified four points are on the same plane, it will create a plane like a region. If coloring or rendering it, it will be filled.
Control the visibility of sides in 3D face. Inputting “i” or “invisible” before specifying the first point, the first created side will be invisible.
This “invisible” setting must be defined before any kinds of object snap modes, XYZ filters or inputting side’s coordinates. All sides of 3D face could be invisible and hidden in 2D wireframe mode. If coloring or rendering the 3D face, it will be displayed.
The 3D face could be combined into complex 3D surface.



It will not stop prompting to specify the third point and the fourth point until press ENTER.

third point


Article ID: 1937
Created: July 30, 2021
Last Updated: July 30, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.kb2.gstarcad.com.my/article.php?id=1937