3DCORBIT command

The 3DCORBIT command is used to continuously rotate 3D objects.

Command Access:

Ribbon : View >Navigate 2D>Continuous Orbit
Menu : View >Orbit >3D Continuous Orbit
Command : 3DCORBIT
Shortcut : Start any 3D navigation command, right-click in the drawing area and select Continuous Orbit

Command Prompts:

Press ESC or ENTER to exit, or right-click to display shortcut-menu.

Function Description:

Before running this command, users could choose to display one or more objects or the entire drawing by selecting specified objects. If selected one of multiple objects before running 3DCORBIT command, it will only display selected object.
Users could right-click to display other options in shortcut menu when this command is active.
Click the cross cursor in drawing area and drag it to arbitrary direction, objects will be rotated around the dragging direction. After releasing the mouse button, objects keep rotating. The rotating speed is determined by the speed set for cross cursor.
Users could change dynamical view direction by clicking and dragging again or right click in drawing area and select options in shortcut menu.

Article ID: 1936
Created: July 30, 2021
Last Updated: July 30, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.kb2.gstarcad.com.my/article.php?id=1936