DCTMAIN system variable

Function Description:

The DCTMAIN system variable is used to display the three letter keyword for the current main spelling dictionary.

Type : Strings
Saved in : Registry
Initial value : Varies by country/region
Range : 0,1,2,4

System Variable Value:

Keyword       Language name
  enu                American English
  eng                British English (ise)
  enc                Canadian English
  cat                 Catalan
  csy                 Czech
  dan                Danish
  nld                 Dutch (primary)
  fin                  Finnish
  fra                  French (accented capitals)
  frc                  French (unaccented capitals)
  deu                German (post-reform)
  deo                German (pre-reform)
  ita                   Italian
  nor                 Norwegian (Bokmal)
  ptb                 Portuguese (Brazilian)
  ptg                 Portuguese (Iberian)
  rus                 Russian
  esp                 Spanish
  sve                 Swedish


Article ID: 1403
Created: July 12, 2021
Last Updated: July 12, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.kb2.gstarcad.com.my/article.php?id=1403