(Enhancement) Reference edition (REFEDIT) has been enhanced in GstarCAD 2017. Now you can edit an xref or a block definition directly within the current drawing.

The objects that you select from the selected xref or block are temporarily extracted and made available for editing in the current drawing. The set of extracted objects is called the working set, which can be modified and then saved back to update the xref or block definition.

Reference Edit Dialog Box

Identify Reference Tab : Provides visual aids for identifying what to edit and control how it is selected.

Reference Name : Displays the reference selected for in-place editing and any references nested within the selected reference. If multiple references are displayed, choose a specific xref or block to modify. Only one can be edited in place at a time.

Preview : Displays a preview image of the currently selected reference as it was saved in the last drawing. The reference preview image is not updated when changes are saved.

Path : Displays the file location of the selected reference. If it is a block, no path is displayed.

Automatically Select All Nested Objects : Controls whether nested objects are included automatically in the reference editing session.

Prompt to Select Nested Objects : Controls whether nested objects must be selected individually in the reference editing session.

Settings Tab

Create Unique Layer, Style, and Block Names : Controls whether layers and other named objects extracted from the reference are uniquely altered. If selected, named objects in xrefs are altered (names are prefixed with $#$), similar to the way they are altered when you bind xrefs. If cleared, the names of layers and other named objects remain the same as in the reference drawing. Named objects that are not altered to make them unique assume the properties of those in the current host drawing that share the same name.

Display Attribute Definitions for Editing : Controls whether all variable attribute definitions in block references are extracted and displayed during reference editing. If Display Attribute Definitions for Editing is selected, the attributes (except constant attributes) are made invisible, and the attribute definitions are available for editing along with the selected reference geometry. When changes are saved back to the block reference, the attributes of the original reference remain unchanged. The new or altered attribute definitions affect only subsequent insertions of the block; the attributes in existing block instances are not affected. Xrefs and block references without definitions are not affected by this option.

Lock Objects Not in Working Set : Locks all objects not in the working set. This prevents you from accidentally selecting and editing objects in the host drawing while in a reference editing state. The behavior of locked objects is similar to objects on a locked layer. If you try to edit locked objects, they are filtered from the selection set.


Enhancements - Design, share and visualize your CAD drawing is better with GstarCAD 2017. Best-ever core performance, best-ever functionalities implementation and best-ever innovations are what this CAD platform offers.


Article ID: 1180
Created: October 13, 2016
Last Updated: June 30, 2021
Author: kbadmin

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