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 CAD Commands


The LOGFILEON command is used to write the history of command to files. Command Access: Command : LOGFILEON Function Description: The content of text window is recorded in log files until users exit program or use the LOGFILEOFF command. Each drawing... Read More


The SCALETEXT command is used to zoom in or out the selected text object without changing its position. Command Access: Menu : Text > ScaleCommand : SCALETEXT Command Prompts: Select object:Enter a base point option for scaling [Existing/Left... Read More

3DFORBIT command

The 3DFORBIT command is used to rotate 3D objects without rolling back. Command Access: Ribbon : View >Navigate 2D>Constrained Orbit > Free OrbitMenu : View >Orbit >Free OrbitCommand : 3DFORBITShortcut : Start any 3D navigation command... Read More

SELECT command

The SELECT command is used to place the selected objects to "last" selection set. Command Access: Command : SELECT Command Prompts: Select object:Expects a point or Window/Last/Crossing/BOX/ALL/Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon/Group/Add/Remove/Multiple... Read More

REGENALL command

The REGENALL command is used to regenerate the drawing and refresh all viewports. Command Access: Menu : View > Regen AllCommand : REGENALL Command Prompts: Regenerating model. Function Description: This command could regenerate the whole drawing... Read More

PSETUPIN command

The PSETUPIN command is used to input the customized page settings to new drawing layout. Command Access: Command : PSETUPIN Function Description: Users could select drawing files (.dwg), sample files (.dwt) or graph interchange format files (.dxf)... Read More

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