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 CAD Commands

ELEV command

The ELEV command used to set elevation and extrusion thickness of new objects. Command Access: Command : ELEV (or 'elev for transparent use) Command Prompts: Specify new default elevation <0.0000>:Specify new default thickness <0.0000... Read More

HELIX command

The HELIX command is used to create a 2D helix or a 3D spring. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > HelixMenu : Draw > Helix. Command : HELIX Command Prompts: Turns=3.0000 Twist=CCWSpecify center point of base:Specify base radius or ... Read More

VPOINT command

The VPOINT command is used to set 3D visibility observation direction for drawing. Command Access: Menu : 3D Views > Viewpoint presets…Command : VPOINT Command Prompts: Current View Direction: VIEWDIR=0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000Specify a view point... Read More

CONE command

The CONE command is used to create a 3D solid cone. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > Box > Cone Menu : Draw > Modeling > ConeCommand : CONE Command Prompts: Specify center point of base or [3P/2P/Ttr/Elliptical]: Function... Read More


The IMAGEATTACH command is used to insert reference to image files. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Reference > AttachMenu : Insert > Raster Image Reference...Command : IMAGEATTACH Function Description: The attached image file will be... Read More

SPHERE command

The SPHERE command is used to create a 3D solid sphere. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling >Box > Sphere Menu : Draw > Modeling> Sphere Command : SPHERE Command Prompts: Specify center point or [3p/2P/Ttr]:Specify radius or ... Read More

ALIGN command

The ALIGN command is used to align the selected objects to other objects in 2D or 3D space. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > AlignMenu : Modify > AlignCommand : ALIGN Function Description: This command could align the selected... Read More

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